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10 Simple Tricks To Instantly Make Your Drums Sound Better (Video 2/3)

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Hey, it’s Sep from Unison. After an amazing response to video 1… I’ve really gone to the next level with this one 🙂


In this video, I’ll be sharing with you my 10 simple tricks for:


✅ Making your drum loops sound professional

✅ Avoiding common drum programming mistakes

✅ Adding huge power and punch to your drums

✅ And much more


These specific tricks took me over 8 years/30 millions plays of experience to figure out so you’ll definitely want to check them out.


And when you apply them…


You’ll instantly take your drums from sounding boring and average – to exciting and attention-grabbing like the tracks on the charts.





P.S. Make sure you stick around till the end for an important announcement about the Unison Drum Monkey.


P.P.S. You can sign up for early access here ➡️


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