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How to Get More Streams on Spotify Super Quick (2024)

In the music streaming industry, Spotify is still one of the most influential 一 giving artists the chance to get their music heard by millions of Spotify users worldwide. 

It can help you get your tracks discovered, boost your Spotify streams, and even grow your music career to new heights. 

However, with so many people releasing new music every day, a lot of artists struggle to actually stand out and get more streams on Spotify than the competition.

That’s exactly why we’re breaking down everything you need to know about how to get more streams on Spotify, including:

  • Optimizing your Spotify artist profile for more engagement ✓
  • Utilizing the power of Spotify for Artists tools ✓
  • How to get on Spotify playlists (including editorial playlists) ✓
  • Building effective pre-save campaigns for new releases ✓
  • How to create playlists and manage your own playlists ✓
  • How to contact playlist curators for more Spotify streams ✓
  • Promoting your tracks through social media platforms/ads ✓
  • Running targeted ads with Spotify Ad Studio for more Spotify plays ✓
  • Advanced techniques & perfecting your music release strategy ✓
  • Hidden secrets on the Spotify platform ✓
  • Much more about how to get more streams on Spotify ✓

By the end of this guide, you’ll know exactly how to get more streams on Spotify and build a steady flow of Spotify streams for every release. 

You’ll be able to promote your music, pitch to Spotify playlist curators, and utilize your data from Spotify for Artists to grow like a pro. 

This way, you can maximize every release, gain more visibility on Spotify and other music platforms, and make sure you’re getting all the Spotify plays you deserve.

So, let’s dive in so you can learn how to get more streams on Spotify right now…

How to Get More Streams on Spotify: Breaking it Down

Getting more streams on Spotify isn’t just about releasing great music (although that’s obviously a big part of it). You also need to take strategic steps on Spotify and other streaming platforms to increase Spotify streams, optimize your artist profile, and make the most of Spotify for Artists tools. Let’s kick things off with your Artist Profile.

Optimizing Your Artist Profile for Maximum Engagement

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Your Spotify artist profile is basically your storefront 一 it’s the first thing people see when they discover your music on the Spotify app or other streaming platforms. 

To turn curious listeners into fans and rack up more streams on Spotify, you need a captivating artist profile that grabs their attention right off rip.

Start with a high-quality, eye-catching profile picture and header image. 

Think about how some of the most followed artists on Spotify, like Kendrick Lamar, Billie Eilish or Drake, use striking visuals that match their music vibe if it fits your style.

Also, the “About” section isn’t just a space filler… it’s a chance to tell your story, so use it to give fans a peek into: 

  • Who you are
  • What your music is all about
  • How you’re different/unique
  • Why they should care

If you just released new music or have some unreleased music droppinf up, drop that info in there and tease a bit of what’s coming (yes, you have to update a lot).

It’ll keep listeners hooked and checking back. 

Also, don’t sleep on adding links to your social media and creating a Spotify code to make it easier for fans to share your music online

Keeping your Spotify profile fresh by regularly updating it with new releases or even a personal note from you can help keep more listeners engaged and bring in more Spotify plays, so don’t slack in this area.

Utilizing Spotify for Artists Tools

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When you’re learning how to get more streams on Spotify, you’ve got to get super familiar with Spotify for Artists.

Spotify for Artists is like a secret weapon for boosting your streams on Spotify because it lets you see exactly what’s working and what isn’t. 

So make sure to check your Spotify streams data to find out which tracks are killing it and which ones are getting skipped. 

For example, if you notice that your latest hit single has a high skip rate after 30 seconds, it might mean your intro isn’t grabbing attention fast enough. 

With that knowledge, you could simply tweak your future tracks to hook listeners right from the start (which you’ll refine and nail down soon enough).

Also, use the Audience tab to understand where your fans are listening from. 

If a big chunk of your listeners are in London, try running targeted ads or a Spotify Ad Studio campaign for that city, or even set up a show there.   

The Music tab is gold too 一 it’s where you submit unreleased music directly to Spotify’s editorial team for a chance to land on those massive editorial playlists. 

Rising to the top of Spotify playlists can seriously increase your monthly listeners and, of course, your Spotify streams, so always go hard in this department.

  • Pro Tip

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While focusing on how to get more streams on Spotify is crucial, don’t forget to build a presence on other platforms like Apple Music, SoundCloud, and Amazon Music. Many artists growing (Spotify artists, of course) are also doing well on these platforms by reaching different listener bases. Cross-promote your tracks by creating a solid strategy across all streaming platforms. It’ll drive more listeners back to your Spotify profile and also increase your overall exposure to help you gain more streams on all fronts.

Playlists to Boost Your Spotify Streams

Playlists are one of the most powerful tools you can use when you’re learning how to get more streams on Spotify. Next, let’s break down the different types of playlists and how you can make them work in your favor to boost your Spotify streams.

  • Understanding Different Types of Playlists

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When it comes to playlists, there are 3 main types you’re going to encounter:

  • Editorial playlists
  • Algorithmic playlists
  • User-curated playlists

Editorial playlists are those high-profile playlists created by Spotify’s editorial team, like “RapCaviar” or “Today’s Top Hits,” which I’m sure you’ve seen.

Getting featured here can skyrocket your Spotify streams (highly competitive). 

Then there are algorithmic playlists like “Release Radar” and “Discover Weekly” which rely on a Spotify algorithm to suggest tracks to users based on their listening habits. 

If your song gets saved a lot, or if people are replaying it, the algorithm notices, and boom… you might end up on one of these playlists. 

Finally, there are user-curated playlists created by regular listeners, playlist curators, and influencers, some of which even have thousands or even millions of followers. 

Reaching out to independent playlist curators can be a goldmine if you play it right. 

I’m talking about finding those hidden gems with niche audiences that align with your unique sound, style, and overall vibe.

When you’re learning how to get more streams on Spotify, NEVER underestimate the power of these playlists compared to other playlists.

Believe it or not, sometimes a small, well-targeted user playlist can drive more Spotify streams than a huge editorial one (no joke).

  • Strategies to Get on Editorial Playlists

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Getting on Spotify’s editorial playlists is one of the most effective ways to increase your Spotify streams and gain more monthly listeners. 

To improve your chances, make sure to submit your unreleased music through Spotify for Artists at least 3-4 weeks in advance. 

And, when you’re pitching to Spotify’s editorial team, hype up all the unique elements of your song, such as:

  • It features other artists
  • It includes an innovative production style
  • Standout effects
  • It’s about a deep/relatable topic
  • Etc.

For example, if your song fits a trending genre (e.g., DnB, trap, house, reggae, pop, etc.) or has a particular vibe, highlight that to show its potential to attract Spotify users. 

It’s also smart to provide specific data, such as previous growth in Spotify plays, features on prominent playlists, or a high number of monthly listeners.

This will show your track’s potential for gaining more streams on Spotify (which they love more than anything, naturally).

Keep your Spotify artist profile up-to-date with engaging visuals and a strong bio to show editors you’re extremely serious about music promotion.

Speaking of music promotion, if you’d like to learn how to promote your tracks successfully, we’ve got you covered.

  • How to Create Your Own Playlists & Reach Out to Playlist Curators 

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Creating your own playlists is a great way to drive more Spotify streams while also promoting your own music (win-win).

Make sure to create a playlist around a specific theme or mood that matches your genre, like “Chill Vibes” or “High-Energy Hits.”

Include both your own tracks/new music and popular songs, and always promote the heck out of your own playlist varieties. 

Keep updating your playlists regularly to keep them fresh and engaging, as this can encourage more Spotify users to follow them. 

When reaching out to playlist curators, don’t just cold pitch 一 mention a specific playlist of theirs and explain why your song would fit perfectly. 

Offer them a Spotify link to your track or even create Spotify codes that are customized to make it easy for them to check it out. 

By maintaining a good relationship with Spotify playlist curators, you’re more likely to get added to influential playlists and boost your Spotify streams in a major way.

Plus, be well on your way to learn how to get more streams on Spotify.

  • Pro Tip For Reaching out to Spotify Playlist Curators (Expanded)

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As I just said, when reaching out to Spotify playlist curators, your pitch can make or break your chances of getting added and driving more Spotify streams.

So, always start with a personalized approach, mentioning the specific playlist you’re targeting and why your track fits its vibe or genre

Include all necessary details, such as a direct Spotify link to your track, a compelling one-liner about the song’s unique qualities, and a Spotify code for easy access. 

To stand out, consider including data points like: 

  • Current Spotify streams
  • Recent features in other prominent playlists
  • Even a brief social proof like positive fan feedback

The more tweaked and professional your pitch, the more likely curators will consider your track for their playlist.

In turn, it’ll lead to more Spotify plays and greater visibility on the platform, which is exactly what you’re aiming for.

The Power of Pre-Saves and Release Radar

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Pre-saves are like setting up your music to win before it even drops. 

When fans pre-save your track, it gets added to their libraries the moment you release music, which means an instant boost to your streams on Spotify. 

This not only gives you a shot at getting onto Release Radar, one of Spotify’s algorithmic playlists, but it also tells Spotify’s algorithm that your track is something special. 

The more pre-saves you can rack up, the higher your chances of getting more streams on Spotify right off the bat. 

Make sure to promote your pre-save campaign across all your social media platforms (use Instagram Stories, TikTok, Twitter, and Facebook to get the word out). 

NOTE: Sweeten the deal by offering fans who pre-save exclusive content, like behind-the-scenes videos or a sneak peek at your unreleased music.

Building Anticipation with Pre-Save Campaigns

Spotify Pre save Campaign - Unison

A solid pre-save campaign is a key part of getting more streams on Spotify (think of it as setting up your Spotify streams to surge the moment your track goes live).

When you’re learning how to get more streams on Spotify, use tools like or to create pre-save links that encourage fans to save your song ahead of time, which helps with Spotify’s algorithm. 

Promote these links aggressively on all your social media platforms and offer exclusive content, like early access to unreleased music or a private music video for those who pre-save. 

Just go to manage Spotify video to handle all that.

The goal is to create a buzz that not only drives immediate Spotify plays but also boosts your song’s visibility on Spotify’s algorithmic playlists, which equals more streams.

Side note, if you want to learn about how to get lyrics on Spotify, which adds an extra layer of intrigue, we got you covered.

Promoting Your Music Through Social Media and Digital Platforms

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Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube are goldmines for getting more streams on Spotify. 

However, it’s not enough to just drop a Spotify link in your bio 一 you need to build a full-fledged strategy, refine it, and stick to it, period.

Share engaging content that pulls listeners into your world, like: 

  • Behind-the-scenes clips
  • Song breakdowns
  • Live Q&A sessions about your new releases

For example, if you’re releasing a track, make a series of Instagram Stories showing the recording process and end with a swipe-up to your Spotify profile or Spotify artist page. 

The more active and creative you get with your content, the more you’ll connect with fans and turn those engagements into more streams. 

Use every chance to mention your Spotify artist profile or a Spotify code so fans can easily find more music of yours and spread the word about you.

This is all about maximizing visibility across different social media platforms to ultimately get your own music heard.

  • Pro Tip: Running Targeted Ads to Promote Your Music

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Running targeted ads is a smart way to promote your music and get more Spotify streams without burning a hole in your pocket. 

With Spotify Ad Studio, you can create audio ads that play directly on the Spotify app (on both desktop and mobile devices). 

These ads can target specific demographics, like fans of similar artists or listeners who frequently stream tracks in your genre, things like that.

For example, if you’re an indie pop artist, you could target fans of Spotify playlists like “Indie Pop Chillout” or “Feel-Good Indie.” 

Don’t forget about using other platforms like Facebook Ads or Instagram Ads to funnel traffic to your Spotify account or a specific song. 

Track the performance of these ads through tools like Spotify for Artists and adjust as needed to maximize your total budget.

How to Get More Streams on Spotify by Collaborating

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When you collab with other artists, it can seriously help you get more streams on Spotify by tapping into brand new audiences you weren’t reaching before.

Partnering with other artists in your genre can introduce your music to their fanbase and vice versa 一 creating a win-win situation. 

You can try:

  • Being featured on someone else’s track
  • Doing a remix swap
  • Even co-creating a Spotify playlist with all you guys’ top songs

Whatever you do, especially if you’re an independent artist, just make sure to pump out super high-quality music (you want to sound professional). 

Promote these collaborations across all your social media platforms and tag each other to increase reach and drive more Spotify plays. 

Keep in mind that collaborating with bigger or equally engaged artists increases your chances of landing on prominent playlists.

And, better yet, catching the eye of Spotify playlist curators.

  • Pro Tip: Influencer Marketing Strategies for Spotify Growth

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Getting influencers on board can seriously amp up your Spotify streams, so try to find influencers that match (or you think would love) your style and audience.

Have them create content using your track, like dance challenges or reaction videos, and encourage their followers to check out your Spotify profile or Spotify artist page. 

Offer them a Spotify link or even Spotify codes to make sharing easier. 

It not only drives more Spotify plays but also builds credibility within the music industry by associating your name with popular influencers. 

Expert Spotify Promotion Techniques & Secrets

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When you’re learning how to get more streams on Spotify, you have to go beyond the basics and start thinking outside of the box.

Try things like hosting virtual listening parties or live streaming events to debut your new tracks and encourage fans to save and share them. 

It will get you some immediate engagement and more Spotify plays. 

When it comes to releasing music, tap into your Spotify for Artists data to pinpoint which cities or regions are vibing with your music the most. 

Then, run geo-targeted ads using Spotify Ad Studio to amplify your reach in those areas artists account (this is super beneficial).

Also, make sure to build real connections with playlist curators by engaging with their content, giving shoutouts, and even collaborating on playlist ideas.

This personal touch can get your music featured on more prominent playlists, which will lead to Spotify plays galore, believe me.

Encourage fans to create and share their own content, like dance challenges or a cover music video using your tracks.

Feature the best ones on your Spotify artist profile or social media. 

You could also offer exclusive content, like special remixes or bonus tracks, available only to fans who follow and engage with your Spotify account/artists account.

People love incentives, no matter how big or small, no joke.

Try partnering with local businesses or influencers in the music industry for cross-promotion so your music can get the hype it deserves.

Bottom line, out-of-the-box moves like these can help you get more Spotify streams and keep your fanbase growing steadily.

How to Get More Streams on Spotify: Final Thoughts

The music streaming industry continues to be one of the best ways to get your tracks heard and give you some well-deserved exposure. 

When you’re learning how to get more streams on Spotify or any other streaming platform, just keep in mind that it’s all about hustling and staying consistent. 

You need to engage with your audience, promote smartly, get on playlists, get tight with Spotify curators, and always look for new ways to make your music stand out. 

Just make sure to use every single tool that’s at your disposal and keep refining your strategy based on what’s working and what isn’t (it’s all about trial and error).

To truly stand out and get the most stream possible, having top-notch production quality is essential, which is where this legendary Free Project Files pack comes in.

This invaluable pack provides three professional project files that dive deep into the elements that make up a polished, industry-standard track. 

You’ll get insight into everything from mixing and mastering to leveling, creative effects, arrangement, and everything in between.

These files are the best way to help you elevate your sound and make sure your music instantly impresses both your listeners and curators.

Remember, growing your Spotify streams is a journey that takes time and effort, but with the strategies from this ‘how to get more streams on Spotify’ article, you’ll be killing it in no time.

Just stay committed, keep experimenting, and watch your audience grow as you gain more traction with each new release.

Until next time…

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