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How To Come Up With An Artist Name (Top 14 Creative Ways)

As an artist, choosing a name can be a little tricky, no doubt about it. It has to capture your vibe, set the right tone, and make a lasting impression. 

Plus, it needs to reflect your unique style and resonate with your target audience, while being memorable and easy to find across different platforms at the same time.

It’s all about finding a name that becomes part of your brand and perfectly shows off your personal identity as a music artist. 

But don’t worry 一 today, we’re breaking down how to come up with an artist name with creative ideas like:

  • Blending two words that reflect your sound ✓
  • Playing with initials and acronyms ✓
  • Using an infamous nickname of yours ✓
  • Exploring words in other languages ✓
  • Drawing inspiration from pop culture ✓
  • Using emotions that mirror your music ✓
  • Using a name generator for new/fresh ideas ✓
  • Finding meaning in nature and elements ✓
  • Referencing personal stories or experiences ✓
  • Taking cues from other artist names in your genre ✓
  • A few examples for each and every idea ✓
  • Much more about how to come up with an artist name ✓

So, if you’re looking for how to come up with an artist name that seriously makes waves, you’ve certainly come to the right place.

It will match your personal identity and be perfect for the vibe you’re trying to convey.

Whether your music is bold and edgy or smooth and chill, you’ll find the ideal artist name that stands out and stays with your listeners.

Top 14 Artist Name Ideas For Maximum Impact

When you’re learning how to choose an artist name it’s an entire creative process. It needs to reflect your music, vibe, personality, and overall artist identity. So, let’s break down 14 killer ideas to help spark some serious inspiration and create an artist name that really stands out in the music industry.

#1. Use Your Real Name or a Variation of It

how to come up with an artist name

One of the easiest and straightforward ways to come up with an artist name is to use your own name or a variation of it. 

You can start with your first name, middle name, last name, or a nickname that friends or family already use. 

For example, Lady Gaga (whose real name is Stefani Germanotta) added a dramatic twist to reflect her unique stage persona. 

A real name can add authenticity and allow you to build a personal connection with your audience while establishing a recognizable brand. 

I know it sounds a little on the nose, but it really can be that simple if it makes sense.

#2. Combine Two Words That Reflect Your Style

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To create a unique artist name that stands out in the music industry, try combining two words that capture the essence of your music/personality. 

Think about adjectives and nouns that evoke your unique style…

Maybe something like Wildflower for an earthy, folksy sound, or Echo Wave for an ambient electronic vibe. 

It’s all about creating something that is memorable and builds a strong visual image, which you’ll hear me say a lot throughout the article because it’s so important

This will, in turn, help your brand as a whole stand out.

Spend time experimenting with different combinations until you find something that feels right for your stage name and represents your music style.

#3. Get Inspired by Places that Matter to You

ambient 2 - Unison

Another way to come up with an artist name is by using the name of a location that has special meaning, like:

  • Your hometown
  • A city you love
  • A place that has influenced your music style

For example, Parkway Drive named themselves after the street where they practiced, while artists like Florence + The Machine incorporated the artist’s own name.

With an imaginative twist, of course.

This will add a personal touch and make your artist name really pop for those familiar with the location or culture surrounding it.

I was born and raised in Brooklyn myself, and every time I hear someone’s artist name that has something to do with New York, I’m instantly drawn to it… that kind of thing.

#4. Use Initials and Acronyms

J Cole - Unison

If your full name feels too long or complicated, try using initials or an acronym.

Using initials or acronyms can help create a catchy, professional artist name that’s easy to remember and instantly intrigues people.

Many artists go this route, such as M.I.A. (Mathangi “Maya” Arulpragasam) or J.Cole (Jermaine Cole) 一 adding a personal touch while keeping it simple. 

When thinking about how to come up with an artist name this way, try meshing initials with a word that reflects your music style or personality. 

For example, if your name is “John Paul,” you could create something like JPX for an edgier, tech-inspired vibe that speaks to your target audience.

And can work well across different platforms like Spotify, SoundCloud, etc.

#5. Think of Your Genre’s Naming Process

EDM crowd - Unison

Many artists find inspiration by looking at a common naming process within their genre, which can help you blend in while still making your name memorable. 

For example, hip-hop artists often use “Lil” or “Young” as prefixes (think Lil Wayne, Young Thug), while electronic musicians tend to go for tech-inspired names.

Just think of legends like deadmau5 or Marshmello, super popular names.

If you produce ambient music, for example, you might go for something atmospheric like Slow Meadow or Echo Circle

Aligning your artist name/stage name with these tweaks can make it easier for new listeners to connect with your music and help you build a strong brand identity.

But again, don’t just pick something because it ‘sounded cool’… It’s all about what will reflect your essence and what makes you feel confident.

#6. Choose a Name Based on the Emotion You Evoke

Music Artist Cover - Unison

When learning how to come up with an artist name, think about the main emotion or vibe you’re trying to bring to the table with your music.

For example, Massive Attack screams power and intensity, which goes perfectly with their dark, moody sound (aka, it matches the vibe perfectly).

If your music is more chill, serene and introspective, a name like Calm Harbor could reflect that soothing quality and let your listeners know what they’re in for.

It not only sets the mood of your music but also creates an instant, emotional connection with your audience if all goes well.

It will make your artist name memorable and impactful in the music industry, which is what it’s all about.

#7. Explore Pop Culture References

Album Cover Art - Unison

Pop culture references can make your artist name relatable/intriguing and adds an extra layer of personality. 

Let’s use Lady Gaga as an example again… she got her name from her favorite Queen song “Radio Ga Ga” because it blended her own unique style with a nod to a classic hit

To come up with an artist name this way, think about movies, books, or shows that have influenced your own musical journey.

It could inspire an artist name that your fans will really love.

Also, by drawing on pop culture, trap culture, or whatever, you can create a name that connects you with fans who share your interests or are curious about that lifestyle.

If we’re talking about building a personal connection and strong brand identity right off rip, this can be a great way to go about it.

Plus it will come up pretty high on the list when it comes to search engines if it’s searched a lot (loophole, baby).

#8. Use a Foreign Language Word

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Using a foreign language word can give your artist name/stage name an exotic or mysterious edge, which can make it stand out. 

Artists like Avicii, which means “the lowest level of Buddhist hell” in Swedish, use this method to add depth and a global appeal to their name. 

When considering how to come up with an artist name like this, look up words in languages you feel connected to or that represent your music’s mood. 

Or, let’s say your family is of italian descent, you can look up words in italian that you think sound sick and alluring.

Just make sure the meaning aligns with your brand and that the name is easy enough for your audience to pronounce and remember (you always want to avoid confusion). 

Bottom line, it should not only enhance your stage presence, but your international reach as well, so make sure to do thorough research first.

#9. Brainstorm Words that Describe Your Music

Words - Unison

When you’re trying to create a name that represents your music, you can start by listing words that describe its:

  • Sound
  • Energy
  • Vibe
  • Etc.

For example, if your music feels smooth and relaxed, you might experiment with names like Ocean Alley or Still Corners

Do some brainstorming and jot down a list of adjectives and nouns for some new ideas 一 try merging different combinations to see what sounds good, too.

This technique can help you develop a name that gives listeners an instant hint about what your music will sound like. 

In the music industry, every single thing, from your artist name/stage name to the music itself needs to make a long-lasting impression.

#10. Play with Misspellings and Unique Spellings

The Weeknd Drums - Unison

Changing up the spelling of common words is another popular way to come up with a more unique artist name, like how The Weeknd (shown above) dropped the “e” in his name.

Or, how P!nk stylized her name with punctuation to add an edgy vibe that people just can’t forget, and looks dope on posters/online/billboards/etc.

Altered spellings often make names look visually appealing and memorable while making sure there is an element of individuality thrown in there.

Again, you still want to make sure the name is easy to say so your audience can find you across different platforms without any problems.

#11. Use a Name Generator or AI Tool

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Name generators or AI tools can be great resources when you’re learning how to come up with an artist name/stage name that is fresh and inspired. 

You can check out websites like Namelix or Wordlab that allow you to input keywords related to your music style, mood, or personality.

Then, go crazy and generate names that might spark new ideas. 

Even if you don’t find the perfect artist name directly from name generators the suggestions can help you find new angles to explore.

Plus, it’s a great way to brainstorm multiple name ideas in a short amount of time 一 helping you get closer to a name that truly reflects your unique artist identity. 

There’s actually a bunch of famous artists’ names that were chosen this way (just sayin’ – cough, cough).

#12. Find Inspiration in Nature and Elements

Piano Nature - Unison

Names inspired by natural elements tend to have a timeless appeal and can reflect the energy of your music while giving a peek into your subconscious.

Think about words related to the earth, sky, or sea, like Fleet Foxes or Arctic Monkeys, which really paint a picture and set a tone

It works well if your music draws from organic sounds or you want to convey a connection to the natural world. 

Keep throwing things together until you find something that embodies your creative process and personal brand. 

If it doesn’t work, that’s fine because this isn’t for everybody, especially if your name should be harder, just try another one of these artist naming techniques, no big deal. 

Side note, if you need some extra inspiration, we got you covered all day.

#13. Reference a Personal Story or Experience

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Drawing inspiration from an impactful experience or part of your personal story to create a name that feels meaningful is a solid way to come up with an artist name. 

Parkway Drive, for example, took their name from the street where they practiced making music their whole lives.

And Skrillex is just a nickname he used during his teenage years that he still felt very connected to when he blew up.

Choosing a name that has real personal significance helps build a strong brand identity and makes it easier to share your story with fans. 

When your artist name reflects a part of who you are, it’s a good artist name, period. 

It creates a lasting impression and stronger connection with listeners on a deep level needed to keep them tuned in for the long haul.

#14. Mix Two Names that Inspire You

Music Producer 2 - Unison

Try blending two names that mean something to you, like:

  • Influential artists
  • Family members
  • Fictional characters
  • Etc.

Frank Ocean’s name combines his admiration for Frank Sinatra with a reference to the movie Ocean’s 11 一 creating a unique name with personal ties. 

And the name sounds so natural that people really don’t care about the origin, but when they find out, it’s just another added layer of interest.

Combining elements of people or concepts you admire can result in a name that’s both unique and captivating. 

It’s a great way to give props to your favorite things while creating something that represents your own journey as a music artist in the music industry.

Bonus: Things to Consider When Choosing an Artist Name

When you’re close to making a final decision, take some time to step back and reflect on a few key factors (broken down below). These key considerations can make or break everything, so pay attention. They’ll help you make sure your artist name/stage name not only sounds good but also works for the long haul.

  • Think About The Long-Term

Drill Beats Music - Unison

Choosing an artist name/stage name that you picture working in the long run can really make a big difference in how you build your brand and carry yourself.

It will help your audience run them views up because they never get tired of hearing your artist name (some artist names are super outdated, don’t let that be yours).

Imagine your name on album covers, tour posters, and even merchandise… If it stands the test of time, you’ll have a stronger foundation as your career grows.

A name that emphasizes the reason you started making music is always a great idea because it will remain meaningful as you grow and evolve.

A good artist name that reflects your core values and personal connection to your music will help you create a lasting impression that connects with fans on a deeper level.

  • Make Sure it Fits Your Brand & Sits Well With Your Target Audience

Music Salary - Unison

When learning how to come up with an artist name, it’s essential to think about your target audience and the message you want to set across. 

If your music leans toward the more experimental side of things, you might pick a bolder, more out there name…

On the flip side, if it’s more aimed towards the mainstream world, you could go with something that has broader appeal. 

Think of your ideal listeners and the kind of artist name/stage name that will resonate with them and reflect the emotions in your music

The right name will always:

  • Support your vision
  • Help build a stronger brand identity
  • Let listeners make an instant connection with what you’re all about 

Your artist name/stage name is a key piece of your music career puzzle, so make sure it vibes well with your overall brand and audience expectations to maximize its impact. 

In order for, let’s say a record label, to take interest in you everything has to work, especially artist names.

  • Get Feedback from Friends/Family

Producers Talking - Unison

Before you decide how to come up with an artist name, test it out by sharing it with friends, family, or close supporters who understand your style. 

Ask them what initial thoughts and emotions the name brings up, and if they think it works for you, because they are the ones who know you best, after all.

They can certainly offer insights into whether your chosen name feels authentic or if it could seriously benefit from a slight tweaking.

Plus, getting feedback from friends or family gives you the opportunity to see how the name will come across to others.

This will make sure it can survive and make the kind of lasting impression you’re aiming for in your music career.

How to Come up With an Artist Name: Final Thoughts

Learning how to come up with an artist name is not always the easiest thing. 

It has to really reflect your sound, connect with your audience, and set the stage for your brand (short and long term).

Your artist name should be something memorable and meaningful, never something that is hot for the moment, because that’s not really going to last.

Lucky for you, you now have the insider secrets into the way top artists choose their own names after today’s article, so take advantage of it.

Also, make sure to try out different combinations and tap into your creative process to land on a name that really works best for you personally. 

Plus, always stay true to what makes your music unique, of course, letting your artist name reflect that in a way that isn’t corny or inauthentic.

Speaking of authenticity, if you’re trying to take things even further and learn more about choosing a name, branding, marketing, and even creating songs, you’ve got to check out this world-renowned Songwriting Secrets course.

From laying down lyrics that make an impact to mastering promotion and even structuring your songs for maximum impact, this course has it all.

It will really help you capture the attention of your target audience and leave a lasting impression that won’t soon be forgotten.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your skills, this course offers insider/industry secrets that can help you find your voice as a music artist.

As well as blow your competition right out of the water.

Remember, coming up with an artist name is about more than just throwing words together 一 it’s about finding who you are and what your music represents. 

So, with these strategies, you’re ready to create a name that not only fits your vibe but also sets you up for a top spot in the music industry.

Just make sure to have fun with it, life is too short to stress over every little thing.

Until next time…

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