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How to Get Signed to a Record Label in 13 Super Easy Steps

Getting signed to a record label in today’s day and age is not the easiest task, especially with so much competition.


It requires talent, dedication, and a deep understanding of the music industry. 


Plus, you’ll need to really stand out from the crowd and build a strong online presence. 


But don’t worry, we’re breaking down exactly how to get signed by a record label, step by step, by covering topics like:


  • How to get signed to a record label ✓
  • Creating high-quality music ✓
  • Building an online presence & fan base ✓
  • Developing a unique sound ✓
  • Networking with professionals ✓
  • Creating a professional EPK ✓
  • Releasing music independently ✓
  • Submitting music to labels ✓
  • Collaborating with other artists ✓
  • Maintaining professionalism ✓
  • Understanding the music business ✓
  • Staying persistent and positive ✓
  • Much more ✓


After reading this article, you can start your journey to getting that elusive record deal everybody is going after.


With the following steps, techniques, and tips, you’ll be able to elevate your music career, capture the attention of record labels, and gain a competitive edge.


This way, you can start building a successful career in the music industry and get a record deal that aligns with your unique goals.


So, let’s dive in…


How to Get Signed to a Record Label in 13 Easy Steps


Getting signed to a record label has let many artists spread their music and get the recognition they deserve. We’re going to break down everything you’ll need to know to capture the attention of the music industry and hopefully sign a record deal quickly.


  • Step 1: Create High-Quality Music


how to get signed to a record label


Creating high-quality music is the foundation of getting noticed by record labels because it shows them you really care.


You should invest money in things that will make your music professional, like good equipment and software, including:


  • A powerful computer
  • A DAW that matches best with your workflow
  • Epic plugins of all kinds
  • Quality microphones
  • Etc.


Also, make sure to really focus on your songwriting and arrangement skills so your songs sound clean and pristine.


High-quality music is essential because it shows your talent and commitment to producing excellent work, which is a great way to attract record labels.


Consider collaborating with experienced producers and mixing engineers to elevate your sound even further 一 anything to help your tracks sound on point.


For example, if you’re into hip-hop, find a producer who understands the genre and can bring out the best in your tracks or show you things you might’ve missed.


If you’re looking to make a great first impression on record labels, high-quality music is certainly the first step.


Many artists overlook the importance of mastering, as well…


But again, a polished song can be a game-changer when you’re wondering how to get signed to a record label. 


Bottom line, high-quality music will attract the attention of both major and independent labels, so you really don’t want to slack in any areas.


  • Step 2: Build a Strong Online Presence


Community - Unison


A strong online presence is everything in today’s music industry, so always make sure to be super active on all your social media channels, like:


  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • Twitter
  • Etc.


This way, you’re giving your audience a chance to connect with you and let them hear your unique songs/style.


Regularly post engaging content that matches your personality and music because it can help you build a loyal fan base and increase your visibility to record labels. 


Make sure to use analytics tools to track your engagement and see what type of content your fans react to the most.


Even though it might be a little tedious, you have to engage with your online community by responding to comments and messages. 


This builds a sense of community and keeps them invested in your journey (which, in turn, will help with word-of-mouth marketing).


Pro Tip


Utilize streaming platforms like Apple Music and Spotify to release music independently. A solid online presence makes it easier for music industry professionals to discover and support you, of course. Your consistent engagement and quality content can attract the attention of record labels and help you get signed.


  • Step 3: Develop a Unique Sound


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Developing a unique sound and signature style will help you stand out in the competitive music industry.


Make sure to experiment with different genres and production techniques to find what you’re best at and what matches your vibe.


Your signature style should be distinct yet versatile enough to appeal to various music labels 一 it’s what will make you memorable to listeners and industry professionals.


Spend time refining your sound until it’s unmistakably yours. 


For example, blend elements from different genres, such as combining EDM with acoustic instruments, to create a fresh and innovative sound. 


You should also listen to a wide variety of music to draw inspiration and incorporate different elements into your tracks that sparked your interest.


A unique sound will make you more appealing to any record company/record companies looking for fresh talent. 


Remember, major labels are looking for a serious artist, and that entails being versatile and well-versed; it makes all the difference.


  • Step 4: Perform as Much as Possible To Get Your Music Heard


new artists - Unison


Performing live or on social media is a great way to build your fan base and gain exposure, because it’s all about getting your music heard. 


Play at local venues, festivals, and participate in relevant industry events. 


Live performances can showcase your talent and energy, which can attract the attention of record labels and people who are connected.


Consistent live shows can also help you develop a loyal local following.


Networking at live events is also key, so make sure to interact with:


  • Other artists
  • Fans
  • Industry professionals


For example, after a gig, spend time talking to the audience and exchanging contact information with other musicians. 


This can lead to valuable connections and musical opportunities


Performing frequently will also improve your stage presence and performance skills 一 making you more appealing to record labels.


  • Step 5: Network with Music Industry Professionals


Networking - Unison


Building relationships with music industry professionals can significantly increase your chances of getting signed. 


To meet industry insiders, make sure to attend:


  • Music conferences
  • Workshops
  • Seminars


For instance, events like South by Southwest (SXSW) and MIDEM are excellent opportunities to network with major label representatives. 


Being present at these events shows that you are serious about your music career.


Connect with industry professionals on social media platforms (like LinkedIn), share your music, and engage in conversations about industry trends. 


Establishing these relationships can lead to introductions to label executives and other key decision-makers


NOTE: Networking is about building genuine connections that can eventually open doors to record deals and other opportunities.


  • Step 6: Create a Professional Electronic Press Kit (EPK)


EPKs - Unison


An Electronic Press Kit (EPK) is a digital resume that displays your music and achievements, which industry professionals always look at.


In your EPK, make sure to Include: 


  • High-quality photos
  • Music videos
  • A compelling bio
  • Your best music
  • Everything else in the picture shown above (it’s your checklist)


Your bio should highlight your musical journey, notable performances, and any awards or recognitions you’ve received/projects you’re working on.


Make sure your EPK is visually appealing and professional, as well as organized and easy to navigate 一 a good first impression is everything.


Always include links to your social media profiles, streaming platforms, and contact information, so people can check you out further.


A professional EPK can make a huge impression on record labels and help you get a record deal. 


It’s your chance to present yourself as a marketable and dedicated artist ready to take things to the next level.


  • Step 7: Release Music Independently


Digital Distribution - Unison


Releasing music independently is a crucial step in showcasing your ability to manage your music career and build a fan base without the backing of a record label. 


Start by using streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and Bandcamp.


These platforms offer easy access to a global audience and let you release your music directly to listeners everywhere.


Uploading your tracks to these services can help you reach potential fans and increase your visibility in the music industry.


In addition to streaming platforms, consider using digital distribution services like: 


  • DistroKid
  • TuneCore
  • CD Baby


They can help you get your music on multiple platforms 一 including major streaming services and online stores. 


This widespread distribution ensures that your music is available wherever fans are listening and increases your chances of being discovered by record labels


By consistently releasing high-quality tracks and effectively promoting your music, you demonstrate to record labels that you are proactive and professional.


Plus, it shows you are capable of managing your music career as independent artists.


  • Step 8: Submit Music to Record Labels


Record Labels 1 - Unison


Submitting your music to record labels requires research and preparation, so make sure to seek out labels that align with your specific style and genre.


For instance, if you’re a hip-hop artist, target labels known for signing hip-hop acts. 


Make sure to follow each label’s submission guidelines carefully because if you don’t your music will probably get overlooked right away. 


Also, keep in mind that your submissions should be professional and tweaked to each label, and include a personalized cover letter with your submission


Highlight why you believe your music fits with their major label and mention any impressive achievements or collabs. 


NOTE: Persistence is key, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t hear back immediately; simply keep track of your submissions and follow up accordingly. 


Just don’t be overly aggressive or annoying.


Remember, networking and attending industry events can also help get your music in front of the right people.


  • Step 9: Build a Strong Fan Base


EDM crowd - Unison


As we touched upon, building a strong fan base is one of the best ways to attract record labels, so make sure to engage with your fans constantly through:


  • Social media
  • Live performances
  • Exclusive content
  • Etc.


Offer behind-the-scenes looks at your recording process or hold exclusive listening parties for new releases


A dedicated fan base can generate buzz and draw attention to your music.


Encourage fans to share your own music and spread the word. 


A strong and active fan base shows that you have market potential and a dedicated following, which will  certainly help out when you’re trying to get a record deal.


Your fans can be your biggest advocates, helping you reach new listeners and industry professionals alike.


Building a loyal fan base takes time and effort but it’s key for long-term success.


  • Step 10: Collaborate with Other Aspiring Artists (or Label Artists) For Clout


Producers Talking - Unison


Collaborating with other artists can expand your reach and introduce you to new audiences when you’re making music. 


Network with local musicians, attend open mic nights, and participate in online collaborations/contests.


It’s all about getting your name and music skills out there for the world to see, and collaborations can bring fresh perspectives that people are drawn to.


They can also catch the attention of music labels looking for versatile aspiring artists because it proves you can work well with others and adapt to whatever they need.


Collaborative projects can lead to new opportunities and help you build a more conducive network within the industry.


  • Step 11: Maintain Professionalism


Starting Career Music Producer - Unison


If you’re wondering how to get signed to a record label, the answer starts and ends with maintaining professionalism. 


You have to make sure your online presence (from social media profiles to your website), is polished and professional 一 you don’t want a bad track record.


Use high-quality images and maintain a consistent aesthetic across all platforms. 


Your professionalism reflects your seriousness and dedication to your music career and the great music/songs you make.


Stay organized with the business aspects of your music career, including:


  • Your finances
  • Scheduling
  • Communication


Record labels are more likely to work with new artists who demonstrate reliability, professionalism, and endless hustle. 


It also includes being punctual, respectful, and prepared in all your interactions, so make sure to bring your best self everywhere you go.


  • Step 12: Understand the Music Business


Music Business - Unison


Understanding the music business is essential for taking over the industry, so make sure to learn about:



Read books, attend workshops, and follow reputable music business blogs to stay informed and ahead of the game.


Remember, knowledge of the business side of music can help you make the right decisions and avoid common pitfalls.


It also shows music labels that you are serious about your career and prepared for the professional music world (and long haul).


Understanding contracts and industry standards will help you negotiate better deals and protect your interests, so make sure to get on that.


Or, if you have the money, at least hire someone who will always have your back.


  • Step 13: Stay Persistent and Positive When Trying to Get a Record Deal


Money Music - Unison


Persistence and positivity are key to overcoming the challenges of getting signed to a record deal, but remember rejections are a part of the whole process.


However, they can be the best learning opportunities when you’re trying to get signed by a record label if you learn from them.


Use feedback to improve your music and approach, not get overwhelmed by it. 


Always stay focused and motivated by setting realistic goals (and celebrating small victories along the way, too).


Your passion and dedication will shine through and eventually lead to success, just keep improving your skills and staying connected with your audience. 


Your persistence will pay off, and your positive attitude will help you stay focused and resilient in the face of setbacks. 


Bonus: Expert Tips on Getting Signed to a Record Label


Now that you know how to get signed to a record label step-by-step, let’s break down some bonus tips to increase your chances of getting a record deal further.


  • Create Viral Content


Octave 3 - Unison


Creating viral content can seriously boost your visibility and attract the attention of record labels and get a record deal. 


Focus on making engaging music videos, catchy social media challenges, and unique behind-the-scenes footage that encourages audience participation. 


For example, a memorable TikTok challenge based on your latest song can quickly gain traction and spread like wildfire.


Consistently producing super shareable content can increase your online presence and fan base, and get your name out there as an artist.


Get creative and think out of the box.


Viral content showcases your creativity and marketing savvy, which many artists lack 一 making you more appealing to different labels so you can secure that record deal.


Unfortunately, in today’s day and age of getting signed by a record label, it’s more about clout than talent, so just keep that in mind.


  • Use Data Analytics to Understand Your Audience


Spotify For Artists 2 - Unison


Make sure to use data analytics tools to gain insights into your audience’s behavior and preferences, like most aspiring musicians do.


Platforms like Spotify for Artists provide valuable data on your listeners. 


Understanding this information can help you tailor your marketing strategies and demonstrate your market potential to record labels. 


For example, knowing which songs are most popular with your fans can guide your future releases and promotional efforts. 


This data-driven method shows major record labels (like Sony Music, Capitol Records, Universal Music, Atlantic Records, etc.) that you are proactive and strategic in growing your professional career.


  • Utilize Crowdfunding to Finance Projects


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Crowdfunding can be a powerful tool to finance your music projects when you’re trying to get signed by a record label and become one of the top new label artists around. 


Platforms like Kickstarter and Patreon allow you to raise funds directly from your fans. 


Successful crowdfunding campaigns can demonstrate your ability to mobilize your fan base and show record labels that you have a dedicated following.


People who are willing to support your music as an independent artist is always a plus in their eyes.


This financial independence can also give you the resources to create high-quality music and promotional materials, which can help you get a record deal faster. 


Now, even if you’re not the next Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber, if your music is just as on point, you’re going to get some serious attention as an artist.


Side note, if you’d like to learn how to start a record label on your own, we’ve got you.


How to Get Signed to a Record Label: Final Thoughts


Getting signed to a record label is a huge milestone that requires dedication, strategy, and perseverance. 


It can be a little overwhelming to navigate the music industry and capture the attention of record labels, that’s a give in.


However, with this step-by-step guide on how to get signed to a record label, you’ll be able to elevate your music career and build a strong fan base in no time.


This way, you’ll be able to stand out and put your competition to shame.


If you really want to get noticed by record labels and secure a deal, you’ll need to make sure your songs are professional on all levels…


That’s where this invaluable Songwriting Course comes into play. 


It doesn’t only break down how to write hit songs and top the charts, but also shows you exactly how to do so (which is why it’s the #1 songwriting course around).


With the help of this course, you’ll be able to lay down compelling lyrics, create memorable melodies, and produce high-quality music like a pro.


Plus, you’ll gain the confidence and skills needed to succeed in the music business.


By following these steps and investing in your songwriting abilities, you’ll be well on your way to getting signed to a record label and launching a successful music career.


Until next time…




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