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How to Secure Music Producer Internships Over the Ops (2024)

Music producer internships are super beneficial, but they can be a little bit tricky to lock down, especially if you don’t have a formal education.

You’ll need to stand out from the crowd, demonstrate your unique skills, and show your passion for music (which is key).

Plus, be able to network effectively, showcase a strong portfolio, and understand the industry’s dynamics. 

That’s why we’re breaking down everything you need to know about securing a music production internship, like:

  • Building a strong portfolio ✓
  • Developing essential skills ✓
  • Creating a winning resume and cover letter ✓
  • Collaborating with local artists ✓
  • Finding internships in various industries ✓
  • Opportunities for paid and unpaid positions ✓
  • Mastering the hiring process to lock down jobs later ✓
  • How to get big companies to take interest in you ✓
  • Engaging clients and any individual artist ✓
  • Top resources for finding music producer jobs ✓
  • Balancing education and being an intern ✓
  • Who is currently hiring & how to get them to hire you ✓
  • Much more about securing music producer internships ✓

After reading this article, you’ll be able to effectively prepare for and secure a music producer internship. 

You’ll know how to build a strong portfolio, network with industry professionals, and tailor your applications to stand out. 

As well as being able to successfully take advantage of different resources and strategies to gain an edge over the competition (with or without an education). 

So, let’s break it down…

What is a Music Producer Internship?

music producer internships

A music producer internship is a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the music industry.

It provides invaluable exposure to how things work in the music production world that maybe you didn’t quite know before.

An intern often: 

  • Assists with recording sessions
  • Learns the intricacies of audio engineering
  • Gains insight into the creative processes behind hit songs

These internships can take place in various settings 一 including recording studios, production companies, and even different remote environments. 

Many music producer internships are unpaid, but the real-world experience and networking opportunities they offer are priceless. 

Internships typically involve a mix of administrative tasks and creative jobs, allowing each unique intern to develop a well-rounded skill set. 

Interns may also have the chance to collaborate with artists, producers, and other industry professionals, which will enhance their career prospects (and resume).

Securing a music producer internship requires a blend of technical skills, industry knowledge, and a strong portfolio showcasing your best work. 

As a music production intern, you’ll be expected to demonstrate a passion for music and a commitment to learning and growing in this competitive field. 

We’ll be breaking it all down in detail and, don’t worry, you don’t have to be former students to take advantage of this knowledge like some other articles.

The Perks of Music Producer Internships

Securing a music producer internship comes with several perks that can impact your career path for the better. So, let’s kick things off by exploring all the key benefits of these internships.

  • Gaining Real-World Experience

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One of the most significant perks of music producer internships is the opportunity to gain real-world experience, which is everything.

Working in a professional studio or production environment allows you to apply the skills you’ve learned in school or through personal projects

You’ll get to assist with recording sessions, understand the workflow of a professional producer, and learn about industry standards and practices. 

This hands-on experience is invaluable and can set you apart from other candidates when applying for jobs in the music business

Real-world experience will help you build confidence in your abilities and prepare for the challenges of a long-term music production career. 

It’s the best way to transition from being a student of the game to a professional in the music industry.

  • Networking Opportunities

Networking - Unison

Networking is another key benefit of music producer internships because they can get you in contact with industry professionals, including famous:

Building relationships with these individuals can open doors to future job opportunities and collaborations. 

Networking during your internship allows you to establish a presence in the music industry and create lasting connections that can benefit your career in the long run.

Attending industry events and participating in recording sessions as an intern provides numerous chances to expand your professional network. 

Bottom line, networking (if done properly) can be the key to securing your next job or breakthrough project in the music business.

  • Skill Development

Sound Design 3 - Unison

Music producer internships are excellent for skill development because during your internship, you’ll refine your technical skills in: 

  • Audio engineering
  • Mixing
  • Mastering
  • Effects
  • Recording
  • New plugins
  • Professional techniques
  • Etc.

You’ll also learn essential ‘soft’ skills such as communication, teamwork, and project management, which will get you far I promise.

Developing these skills in a real-world setting ensures you’re well-prepared for a full-time career in music production. 

Additionally, you’ll gain a solid understanding of the music industry’s dynamics and how different roles contribute to an overall successful production team.

NOTE: Continuous skill development during your internship can significantly enhance your employability and career growth, so take advantage of every moment.

Preparing for a Music Producer Internship

Before even thinking about going for different music producer internships, you’ve got to prepare thoroughly. So, next, let’s dive into all the steps needed to make sure you stand out above the competition (which there is a lot of).

  • Building a Strong Portfolio

EPKs - Unison

A strong portfolio is your golden ticket to securing a music producer internship. 

It should showcase a range of your best work 一 highlighting your versatility and standout skills in the music production world.

Make sure to include a variety of projects you’ve accomplished in your past, such as: 

  • Beats/full songs
  • Remixes
  • Production samples
  • Etc.

This will demonstrate your ability to handle different aspects of music production. 

Use high-quality audio files and consider adding brief descriptions of each project to provide context.

Also, make sure your portfolio is well-organized and easily accessible, either through a personal website or a digital portfolio platform (Apple Music, Spotify, SoundCloud, etc.).

Don’t forget to include any collaborations with artists or participation in notable music projects you’ve achieved in the past, as these can enhance your credibility tenfold.

Also, make sure to regularly update your portfolio with new work to reflect your growth and current capabilities, of course. 

Remember, a polished portfolio will set you apart from any other intern and impress potential employers with your effort, so don’t slack in this area.

  • Developing Essential Production Skills

Mixing Plugins - Unison

To truly excel and have a better chance at landing a music producer internship, you must develop certain skills that are non-negotiable (because they’re industry standards). 

Technical skills such as being familiar with all major digital audio workstations (DAWs) like Ableton Live, FL Studio, or Pro Tools is obviously a big one.

Also, having knowledge about sound design, mixing and mastering techniques, different styles or genres, and the latest products can give you a competitive edge. 

Besides technical abilities, soft skills are equally important, as we touched upon.

Effective communication, time management, and the ability to work collaboratively in a team environment is key 一 basically, don’t be a slacker or unpleasant person.

Make sure to engage in continuous learning to keep your skills sharp through: 

Trust me, the people deciding whether or not you’re getting that music production internship absolutely love seeing enthusiasm and drive.

Networking with other producers and attending music production events can also provide valuable learning experiences. 

To put it bluntly, the more you have to offer, the greater chance of getting music producer internships, period.

  • Pro Tip: Collaborating with Local Artists

new artists - Unison

Collaborating with local artists can be a great way to gain experience and build your portfolio 一 it’s all about clout nowadays.

Reach out to popular musicians in your area that match your style and offer your production services for their projects. 

Collaborations can lead to word-of-mouth recommendations and increase your visibility in the local music scene, which is everything.

Working with artists also allows you to develop your skills in a real-world setting and learn how to manage different aspects of a production project. 

Make sure to document your collaborations and include them in your portfolio to showcase your versatility and experience to any person who reads it. 

Bottom line, building strong relationships with local artists can lead to future projects and internship opportunities.

I know it seems simple enough, but cross-promotion is still one of the best ways to stand out in our field.

Top Resources for Finding Music Producer Internships: Breaking it Down

Finding the right music producer internship requires knowing where exactly to look. The following are some top resources to help you find the best opportunities.

  • Indeed

Indeed - Unison

Indeed is a super popular, widely-used job search engine that lists a variety of music producer internships and other training opportunities. 

To find the most relevant options for you, you can filter your search by: 

  • Location
  • Job type
  • Hiring requirements
  • Company
  • Etc.

Make sure to set up job alerts to receive notifications when new internships are posted and your resume/profile are up-to-date.

This will help reel in potential employers and let them know you’re hustling.

Read the job descriptions carefully and make sure your applications meet the specific requirements. 

Indeed also offers company reviews, which can give you insights into the working environment and culture of various internship sites. 

NOTE: Use the “Apply Now” feature to submit your application directly through the site. Indeed is a reliable resource for finding numerous music producer internships.

  • LinkedIn​

LinkedIn - Unison

LinkedIn is a powerful networking tool and job search platform, ideal for finding music producer internships. 

Create a professional profile that highlights your: 

Make sure to connect with industry professionals and join groups related to music production to stay updated on music production internship opportunities.

And regular jobs too, of course.

Use LinkedIn’s job search feature to find internships and apply directly through the platform 一 easy peasy.

It also allows you to see if you have connections at the companies you’re interested in, which can actually give you a unique edge. 

Pro Tip

Regularly update your profile with new projects and achievements to keep it current. LinkedIn’s networking capabilities make it a valuable resource for securing internships and building professional relationships. Engaging with industry content and participating in discussions can also increase your visibility, just an FYI.

  • MusicCareers

Music Production 10 - Unison

MusicCareers is a specialized job board focused on the music industry 一 offering a range of music producer internships and other jobs related to production.

It features listings from various companies and studios, which gives you access to diverse opportunities and future endeavors.

Create a profile and upload your resume to apply for internships directly through the platform and get to work.

NOTE: MusicCareers also offers career advice and industry news to help you stay informed and ahead of the game.

Use the search filters to narrow down internships by location, company, and job type and regularly check the site for new listings and updates, naturally.

Its focus on music-related roles makes it a go-to resource for aspiring music producers and those wanting to break into the industry.

  • Sonicbids​

SonicBids e1720995695494 - Unison

Sonicbids is an underrated platform designed for musicians and music industry professionals, including music production internship opportunities. 

It also connects you with different gig opportunities, which can enhance your portfolio and experience (which, as we discussed, is what it’s all about).

It features invaluable tools for networking with other musicians and industry professionals to help you excel. 

Sonicbids is a valuable resource for finding internships and building your presence in the music industry. 

NOTE: Make sure to take advantage of the platform’s community features to engage with other users and stay informed about new opportunities.

  • SoundBetter

SoundBetter 1 - Unison

SoundBetter (by Spotify for Artists) is a marketplace for music production services, where you can find internships and collaboration opportunities. 

Like all the other options we covered, simply create a professional profile highlighting your skills, experience, and portfolio. 

Then, search for music producer internships and apply directly through the platform 一 super straightforward.

SoundBetter also offers project-based work, which can enhance your portfolio and experience, and is something I find pretty beneficial.

SoundBetter’s focus on music production makes it an ideal platform for finding targeted music production internship opportunities all day.

Pro Tip

Community - Unison

By connecting with artists and producers seeking collaboration, you can expand your network and gain hands-on experience. This platform also allows you to showcase your skills and attract potential clients. It’s a pretty unique avenue for career growth in the music industry, so make sure to check it out even though it’s not a big a name.

Internship Programs by Music Companies

Many music companies offer structured  music production internship programs designed to provide epic industry experience (for both former students and an ‘uneducated’ musician). Here are some solid options to consider.

  • Major Record Labels (Universal, Sony, Warner)

Major Label Icons - Unison

Major record labels like Universal, Sony, and Warner offer highly sought-after music production internship programs, of course. 

These programs provide interns with a chance to work alongside top industry professionals and get to see (firsthand) various aspects of the music business. 

Interns who lock down this unique job will:

These internships require a strong resume and portfolio, as well as a deep passion for music, so it’s kind of a longshot.

However, if you do secure it, it could possibly change your life.

Make sure to apply early and tweak your application to the specific label to increase your chances of getting the position. 

Just make sure you really brush up on your skills first, because if you fail to deliver, there are hundreds of other candidates just waiting to jump.

These internships provide unparalleled exposure and can seriously boost your career opportunities in the music industry.

Which, let’s face it, is the ultimate connection 一 some of them even offer on-site training (usually not paid), which is awesome.

Side note, if you want some expert tips all about demo submission dos & don’ts, we’ve got you covered.

  • Independent Labels

Independent Record Label - Unison

Independent labels offer internships that can be just as valuable as those at major labels, believe it or not. 

These internships often provide a more hands-on experience 一 allowing interns/students to take on significant responsibilities.  

Working at an independent label can offer a unique perspective on the music industry, focusing more so on niche markets and emerging artists.

Interns may get involved in everything from endless hours of recording sessions to artist management.

This exposure can help you develop a diverse skill set and understand the intricacies of running a music label. 

They typically require you to know about Microsoft Office, so just keep that in mind. 

Independent label internships are excellent for those looking to make a meaningful impact in a smaller, more intimate setting.

  • Production Studios

Music Internship 2 - Unison

Interning at a production studio provides direct experience in the heart of music creation, which is where you want to be.

These internships typically involve: 

Production studio internships are ideal for those who have interest in mastering their  skills and understanding the production process from start to finish. 

Which should be all of you!

You’ll have the opportunity to work with various artists/producers and even go to exclusive events 一 gaining insights into different production styles/techniques. 

These internships (whether they’re a few hours a week or full-time) also allow you to build a portfolio of professional projects, which is super important for future jobs. 

Production studios offer a cool environment where you can learn and grow your education as a music producer.

Music Producer Internships: Final Thoughts

Music producer internships can be super rewarding and completely transform your career. 

If you play your cards right, you’ll be able to gain real-world experience, develop essential skills, and network with industry professionals. 

Plus, you’ll set yourself up for future opportunities in the music industry. 

With the tips and tricks you’ve learned today, plus endless hustle and creative determination, you’ll be able to secure an internship in no time.

To help you really stand out as a producer, you’ll need the hottest sounds in the game. 

So, as a bonus, you’ve got to check out the completely epic Mainstage Blueprint (Free Teaser Pack)

It contains a shocking 647 samples, loops, and MIDIs for you to take your tracks to the next level 一 not only free of charge, but 100% royalty-free as well.

If you want to make pro-quality tracks and capture the eyes of those hiring for music producer internships, you need to be using pro-quality sounds. 

And with these, you’ll instantly hear the difference when compared to other packs because they’re so proper, polished, and well-designed by top industry professionals.

Remember to keep pushing forward, stay dedicated to your craft, and never stop learning. 

Your dream internship is within reach, you just gotta go out there and make it happen.

Until next time…

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