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Can You Make Money on SoundCloud in 2024 (+ Best Tips)

Making money on SoundCloud is a little different from how it used to be. 

It can get confusing with all the changes in SoundCloud monetization options and evolving algorithms. 

Plus, with all the new features like SoundCloud for Artists, fan-powered royalties, and the various subscription tiers, it can be tricky to know whether it’s the right platform for your music career or if you should look elsewhere.

That’s why we’re breaking down everything you should know to help you answer the question, “Can you make money on SoundCloud?” 

In today’s article, we’ll cover:

  • How SoundCloud for Artists works ✓
  • Monetization requirements ✓
  • SoundCloud Premier monetization details ✓
  • Fan-powered royalties explained ✓
  • Differences in SoundCloud subscription tiers ✓
  • Promotion tools to boost your income ✓
  • Strategies for direct sales and merch ✓
  • Insights to maximize earnings ✓
  • Tips on how to earn money in various ways ✓
  • Much more about “Can you make money on SoundCloud?” ✓

After this article, you’ll know everything about the ins and outs of making money on SoundCloud and whether it’s the right choice for your music career. 

Plus, you’ll be able to decide if focusing solely on SoundCloud or diversifying to other platforms like Apple Music or Spotify is the best move. 

It all comes down to understanding how SoundCloud works, its unique features, and how to take advantage of them like a boss.

So, let’s break it down…

Can You Make Money on SoundCloud in 2024?

can you make money on soundcloud

SoundCloud has been a staple in the music industry for years, known as a go-to platform for indie artists and music creators, especially a while back.

But the big question many ask me is, “Can you make money on SoundCloud?” 

Well, with all the changes and updates over the past few years, especially leading into 2024, the answer isn’t as straightforward as it once was. 

It has introduced new features like fan-powered royalties, revised its subscription tiers, and updated the SoundCloud Premier program. 

So, let’s kick things off by breaking down the latest monetization methods (and yes, we’ll break down everything else as well). 

Monetization with SoundCloud for Artists

To get started with SoundCloud monetization, the first step is to understand the revamped “SoundCloud for Artists” program. It has replaced the older SoundCloud Premier program with new opportunities for artists looking to make money on SoundCloud.

  • Overview of SoundCloud for Artists (Formerly SoundCloud Premier)

SoundCloud for Artists - Unison

SoundCloud for Artists is the updated version of what used to be known as SoundCloud Premier, allowing any independent artist/independent musician to monetize their music directly on SoundCloud. 

The SoundCloud Premier program was limited, but the new system is more inclusive, with benefits tweaked for both indie artists and those under record labels.

NOTE: You must be a Pro account SoundCloud member to access these features, and you’ll need to enable monetization on your SoundCloud account to get started. 

The biggest draw here is the ability to retain 55% of the net SoundCloud revenue generated from audio ads and subscriptions. 

Unlike some other music platforms, you get to keep full ownership of your music, so it’s a great option for music creators who want absolute control over their content. 

It also allows you to distribute your SoundCloud tracks to Apple Music, Spotify, and other platforms 一 making it a super versatile option.

Side note, if you want to learn all about SoundCloud promotion tips, tricks, and techniques, we’ve got you covered.

  • Requirements to Qualify for Monetization in 2024

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To qualify for SoundCloud for Artists monetization, you need to be at least 18 years old and must own all the rights to your music.

This includes publishing, distribution, and master rights.

It’s also key to have a PayPal account linked to your SoundCloud profile to receive payments from SoundCloud (it’s currently the only supported payment method for SoundCloud’s monetization program)

You must also have at least 500 eligible SoundCloud streams in the past month and zero copyright strikes on your SoundCloud account, which is a deal-breaker.

Oh, and don’t try to get any fake plays because that instantly disqualifies you.

If you’re a Pro account SoundCloud member, you can participate in this content monetization program by agreeing to the SoundCloud premier agreement terms. 

It ensures that only serious music creators benefit from SoundCloud’s monetization feature, not just anybody, and everything is original.

  • How Much Can You Really Make? Understanding Revenue Splits and Royalties

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The question of “Can you make money on SoundCloud?” often boils down to how much you can earn through SoundCloud Premier monetization. 

Typically, independent artists keep 55% of the SoundCloud revenue generated from ads and subscriptions as I mentioned before.

The more SoundCloud followers you have and the more fans listen to your tracks, the higher your potential earnings (of course).

Fan-powered royalties have also changed the game 一 allowing artists to earn more money based on their dedicated fans’ actual listening habits. 

On average, artists can expect anywhere from $2.50 to $4 per 1,000 plays.

But it really all depends on various factors like audience engagement and location within SoundCloud monetized countries.

Fan-Powered Royalties: A Fairer Revenue Model?

SoundCloud’s fan-powered royalties have reshaped how artists get paid on the platform. This model ensures that the money goes directly to the music creators whose tracks fans listen to the most, unlike traditional models where payouts are based on total streams across the platform.

  • How Fan-Powered Royalties Work on SoundCloud 

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Fan-powered royalties are SoundCloud’s answer to the often-criticized “pro-rata” model used by other streaming platforms

Under this system, your SoundCloud revenue comes directly from fans who engage with your music the most (your super fans, if you will).

For example, if a listener dedicates 50% of their streaming time to your tracks, you receive 50% of the subscription revenue allocated to that listener. 

This method benefits emerging artists and indie artists who have a dedicated fanbase.

It ensures more money goes into their pockets rather than being pooled for top-streamed artists only, which I personally find awesome.

NOTE: To enable monetization with fan-powered royalties, you need to be part of SoundCloud for Artists and have an active SoundCloud Pro or Next Pro account. 

This setup means every time fans listen to your SoundCloud content, especially if they frequently engage with your SoundCloud profile, you stand to make money on SoundCloud that more accurately reflects your music’s popularity.

  • Benefits for Independent Artists vs. Major Label Artists

Fan Powered Royalties - Unison

Independent artists have a significant advantage with SoundCloud’s fan-powered royalties, which was a big plus when it was launched.

Unlike major label artists who often see their revenue diluted due to extensive label agreements and overheads, indie artists can capitalize on their dedicated fans’ listening habits to get the big bucks.. 

For example, an emerging artist with a small but loyal fanbase might find that fan-powered royalties provide more sustainable income.

Especially when compared to traditional streaming platforms. 

With this model, the more fans listen, the more you can earn 一 regardless of whether you have a million followers or a thousand. 

On platforms like Apple Music, payouts are often geared towards artists with high streaming volumes and the other guys are just left in the dust.

Still, SoundCloud allows indie artists to turn a small following into a steady source of income through direct fan engagement and loyalty.

  • Maximizing Earnings Through Dedicated Fan Engagement

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To make the most money on SoundCloud, you need to focus on building a super loyal fanbase that consistently engages with your music and spreads it around.

So, make sure to encourage fans to: 

  • Follow your SoundCloud account
  • Interact with your SoundCloud profile
  • Repost or comment on your tracks
  • Tell everyone they know about you

More engagement means more streams, which translates to more fan-powered royalties, and it’s all about getting as much money as possible.

Hosting live performances or Q&A sessions can help boost interaction and keep your audience invested, so don’t overlook that.

Consistent releases of high-quality tracks (alongside special deals like exclusive content for your most dedicated fans) can also keep your SoundCloud streams steady and income flowing.

Just get creative, make sure to stay super active, and never ignore your fans.

Side note, if you want to find out other ways to make money as a producers, the average producer salary, or how to get placements, we’ve got you covered.

SoundCloud Subscription Tiers and Benefits

Understanding SoundCloud’s subscription options (Next, Next Plus, and Next Pro) is key for artists looking to optimize their SoundCloud monetization strategy. Each tier offers different benefits that can help you earn more money on SoundCloud and distribute your music, so let’s break it down.

  • SoundCloud Next, Next Plus, and Next Pro: What’s the Difference?

SoundCloud Next Pro - Unison

SoundCloud Next is the free plan that allows you to upload tracks and grow your audience organically. 

It provides basic features such as the ability to upload a limited number of tracks, access to fundamental statistics (like plays, likes, and reposts).

As well as some basic tools to help you build your following, too.

However, to unlock more advanced features, you’ll need to upgrade to SoundCloud Next Plus or SoundCloud Next Pro. 

The Next Plus tier allows for unlimited distribution of your music to other platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, TikTok, Amazon Music, etc.

You’ll get to keep 80% of the SoundCloud revenue generated. 

Next Plus also includes some promotional tools to help you increase your reach, such as the ability to highlight specific tracks on your profile.

The Next Pro tier, which costs around $8 per month, offers even more: advanced insights, track replacement without losing basic stats, and other promotional perks. 

You’ll get access to advanced analytics via the artist dashboard 一 providing deeper insights into your audience.

This includes geographic location, listener behavior, and engagement rates.

A Pro account SoundCloud member benefits from features like banner click-throughs, deeper analytics via the artists dashboard, and the ability to replace tracks.

It allows you to update your music with new versions, improved mixes, or remastered tracks without sacrificing the accumulated plays, likes, or comments. 

This tier also includes exclusive access to SoundCloud Repost Network, which extends your reach by automatically distributing your tracks to partner platforms/playlists.

  • Advanced Features: Track Background Art, Banner Click-Throughs, and More

SoundCloud Banners - Unison

SoundCloud’s Next Pro tier offers unique features that can significantly boost your profile’s visibility and engagement. 

For example, you can customize track background art to make your music stand out visually, which attracts more listeners. 

The option to add banner click-throughs can direct fans to your: 

  • Latest releases
  • Merchandise
  • External sites like a Sellfy store

This feature allows artists to create clickable banners on their profile that direct fans to their latest releases, merchandise stores, or external sites like a Sellfy store.

Additionally, being able to replace multiple tracks without losing stats means you can update your sound or improve your mixes without starting from scratch. 

These tools are all about enhancing your SoundCloud profile and driving more traffic and sales, which is what it’s all about.

  • Leveraging SoundCloud’s Promotion Tools to Boost Income

SoundCloud Promte - Unison

SoundCloud offers several promotion tools that can help you make more money by driving more traffic to your SoundCloud profile and tracks. 

Using “Promote on SoundCloud” lets you run ad campaigns targeted by genre, age, and location so your music reaches the right audience. 

This tool is available to SoundCloud Next Pro users and allows for more strategic growth, getting the most possible fans you can.

Also, upping your visibility with paid promotion can lead to more followers and streams 一 enhancing your overall SoundCloud pay. 

The more strategic you are with these gems, the more you maximize your chances to make money on SoundCloud.

  • Collaborations and Networking on SoundCloud

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I know it sounds generic, but collaborations can be a game-changer when trying to make money on SoundCloud. 

By collaborating with other artists in your genre, you can tap into their fan base and attract new listeners 一 cross-promotion is super valuable.

This strategy not only helps increase your SoundCloud followers but also enhances your overall exposure on the platform. 

Successful collaborations, like those seen with an indie artist in genres such as lofi and alternative R&B, often lead to unique tracks that stand out in a crowded music scene.

Direct Sales and Merchandising Through SoundCloud

To maximize earnings, combining streaming income with direct sales of music and merchandise is a solid strategy. SoundCloud offers various ways to integrate these revenue streams through the addition of buy links, third-party tools, etc. Let’s dive in.

  • Adding “Buy Links” to Tracks and Playlists

Buy Links - Unison

Adding a buy link to your tracks and playlists on SoundCloud can create an additional income stream, which is always encouraged.

These links can direct fans to places where they can purchase your music directly, such as a Sellfy store or other e-commerce platforms. 

Artists like yourself with a SoundCloud Pro or Next Pro account can customize these links 一 providing a call to action that fits your brand. 

For example, rather than simply labeling a link as “Buy,” you could use phrases like “Support My Music” or “Exclusive Tracks Here” to make it way more appealing. 

It’s all about catching people’s eyes and piquing their interest.

Having a dedicated buy link in your SoundCloud profile can also help funnel your most engaged listeners into buyers. 

NOTE: This strategy works best when combined with consistent content releases and targeted promotion to keep your audience engaged.

  • Selling Music and Merch via Third-Party Integrations like Sellfy

Sellfy - Unison

Integrating your SoundCloud account with third-party platforms like Sellfy can seriously enhance your revenue potential. 

Sellfy allows you to set up a store to sell digital products such as: 

  • Exclusive tracks
  • Samples
  • Drum kits
  • Even physical merchandise like T-shirts or posters

Linking your Sellfy store to your SoundCloud profile helps direct fans to where they can financially support you beyond streams. 

Many successful indie artists use this method to create multiple streams of income 一 proving that having a direct-to-fan sales channel can pay off. 

With the ability to control pricing, discounts, and special deals, artists can create epic offers that encourage more fans to make a purchase. 

If you’re an emerging artist, try bundling music with merch to add more value and attract buyers, it’ll get your name spread around.

  • Pro Tip: Setting Up Donations or Tips to Support Your Music Directly

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Setting up donation or tip options can provide another way to make money on SoundCloud, especially if you have a huge fanbase that loves you.

You can use platforms like PayPal, Buy Me a Coffee, or Ko-fi, and link them directly to your SoundCloud profile. 

It works well for artists who are actively engaging with their audience through live performances or exclusive content releases. 

A simple “Support My Music” message in your bio can go a long way in encouraging listeners to contribute directly, as we talked about before.

  • Analyzing SoundCloud Insights to Maximize Earnings

SoundCloud Analytics - Unison

Make sure to use SoundCloud’s advanced insights to understand what’s working and what’s not when it comes to your personal music strategy. 

Regularly check your artists dashboard to see which tracks are performing well, which demographics are most engaged, and which locations are generating the most streams. 

This data can help you big time in regards to your digital marketing efforts, optimizing your release schedule, and targeting promotions to earn more money. 

SoundCloud Pro users get access to more detailed analytics 一 making it easier to adjust strategies and maximize income potential.

Comparisons with Other Platforms: Is SoundCloud the Best Option?

Streaming - Unison

While SoundCloud certainly gives you some unique advantages, comparing it with other music platforms is essential to understand where exactly to focus your efforts. 

Platforms like Apple Music and Spotify might offer higher payouts per stream but require larger audiences to see significant revenue. 

SoundCloud, with its focus on independent artists and tools like fan-powered royalties, can be more favorable for emerging artists (as opposed to your favorite artists) and those with a niche audience. 

SoundCloud’s flexible monetization options, such as the ability to replace tracks and add a buy link, also provide more ways to earn beyond streaming. 

Consider diversifying your music career by maintaining a presence across multiple platforms while leveraging SoundCloud’s community and tools for organic growth. 

By combining SoundCloud’s unique features with a strong strategy on other platforms, you can build a more sustainable and profitable music career.

Can you Make Money on SoundCloud: Final Thoughts

At the time of this writing, the answer to “can you make money from SoundCloud” is a resounding yes, but it requires strategic use of the platform’s various tools and features. 

Whether through SoundCloud for Artists, fan-powered royalties, or leveraging the advanced capabilities of the Next Pro tier, you have more ways than ever to monetize your music and make some money.

However, the key to truly making money from SoundCloud lies in engaging your audience and using data-driven insights to shape your marketing strategies.

Plus, exploring multiple revenue streams like merchandise and digital product sales. 

If you go about it the right way and stay committed/dedicated, you can make SoundCloud a cornerstone of your entire music career and secure a bag.

With the tips, tricks, techniques, and advice we broke down in today’s article, you’ll be able to really make that happen.

Now that you know the answer to, “Can you make money from SoundCloud?” we’d like to give you access to the absolute best free sample packs and MIDI packs in the game. 

They all offer high-quality sounds and professional-grade MIDI files that can elevate your tracks to new levels you never even imagined.

Plus, they will seriously enhance your production quality and help you stand out from your competition.

Each pack is designed to inspire creativity and provide you with the essential tools to produce professional-sounding music without needing to dive deep into music theory. 

With elements like melody loops, drum one-shots, and advanced chord progressions, these packs are perfect for both beginners and seasoned producers looking to expand their sound library.

So, whether you’re just starting on your music production journey or looking to refine your tracks like a boss, these packs will provide the creative spark you need. 

Remember, making music is all about experimenting and finding your unique sound, and these resources can help you do just that.

Until next time…

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